Happy New Year!

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a Happy New Year! Many of us see this time a new beginning, a start of something big, the “new year new me posts” and for others it’s a reminder that yet again we didn’t accomplish our goals after a whole year.

19764509_124039031533554_1145974820207329280_nWhen setting New Year resolutions I recommend setting small goals. If you want to lose 20lbs, that’s great! But, 20lbs can be an intimidating amount, it may be best to say you want to love 1.5lbs per month!  If you want to write a book, plan on writing 1 chapter a week, 3 weeks per month, giving yourself some time off each month because you know writers block will hit you, etc. If you want to achieve something, the first step is to reflect within, know your own potential and under what circumstances you work best and set goals that you can realistically accomplish. Every unattainable goal in your mind can broken down into smaller steps that can be easily attained. It’s not always about the bigger picture, sometimes focusing on the tiny details can help you take on the bigger picture without facing it head on.

That being said, I’m a huge fan of taking on the impossible but it only works when you know that what you’re doing is impossible. And have the patience with yourself to take the time that you need to do so! 20180817_182540-01 Far too often we get frustrated and give up on our goals because we are not realistic about the time and effort required before it pays off. Imagine planting an apple tree and taking care of it everyday for 5 years. Then one day you get tired of putting in all this effort and getting no fruits in return so you cut it down. Then a year later you find out that apple trees bear fruit after 6-10 years. You were so close but you gave up because you didn’t take the time to understand what a long term commitment your dreams are. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve given up on too many dreams prematurely. So this year I’m reevaluating a few of those dreams to see if I want to have a second go at them.

New Castle Delaware

If you don’t have any new year resolutions that’s perfectly okay. You’ve been working on making yourself a better person for so many years, it’s okay to say that you’ve done a good job and take a year to enjoy the person you’ve become rather than constantly fighting what you are to try and to become this “better person” that society has convinced us we must constantly strive towards.

IMG_6321The past 13 years of my life has been such an odyssey that this year I’m appreciating who I’ve become. The last few years, I’ve grown so much, and becoming a wife and mother has dramatically changed my perspective on life. I am taking the time to bridge the gap between what I thought I would be and what I am, and making sure that the road I’m heading down will truly make me happy before I thread further.

Whatever your plans are for 2019, we will do it together!

Looking forward to see you all accomplish your dreams this year, please tag me on your progress posts, etc so I can see all your successes this year!

I love seeing when you all are winning at life.

Stay amazing,

Avi Y.R.

42 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. Happy New year babe! Your photos are amazing and your before and after progress is coming along really well. I wish I had the will power to keep up. I’m planning to do something this year that could give me more time to do more things, especially with my weight. Keep it up hun!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have so many new year resolutions. I will quit tea lol I am addicted. I will try to cure my hypothyroidism. I am gaining little weight cuz of thyroid. So I have to make it normal. My tsh was on higher scale recently. So the most important new year resolution is I will be more focused on my health this year. Will try to do cardio at least 30 mins a day. Happy new year Avi. Wish you happiness and good health to u and your family. 💖


  3. Great Post! Puts goals into perspective. I too am reevaluating a goal I left behind. I am excited to see where it takes me. IG: @theroxystyle


  4. Happy new year to you too…. ❣️❣️❣️…May this year be filled with loads of surprises and fun ….. Ig name shreya_bafna_ 😉 (:


  5. It’s never too late to follow-up on a dream or goal. I didn’t set resolutions only because I set goals year round, not just for Jan 1


  6. Happy new year!
    And, yes, I agree we should always follow SMART goals (SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, REALISTIC AND TIME BASED) I’ve found that writing them down under these characteristics is extremely helpful!


  7. I truly enjoy reading your blogs… Your writing is wonderful! The points you make hit close to home and it feels good to know im not alone. Thank you for the time you take to write to us! Thank you for the encouragement and kindness you show to all! One day at a time right? I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate you. 🙏💗


    1. aww thank you. It always makes me feel good to know that someone is benefiting from these posts. It makes it worth the time I put into them. One step at a time, is how we keep moving forward!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy New Year Beautiful ! OMG I never thought you accomplished a lot and this year is gonna be amazing for you ! Whatever your goals is I’m sure you’ll accomplished it again ! I will be supporting you until the end ! And your transformation is a bomb ! You are such a sexy momma !


  9. Really inspiring…and your transformation is amazing… You really inspiring alot… Being mom is not at all easy… cool mama you’re … 😍😘


  10. Happy New Year ❤️🎉 Wish You health, love and peace and everything that You wished for to come true.
    Love this post.
    I agree that we have to set goals that can be realistically accomplished, for me anything bigger or unrealistic is a dream. But, we have to dream to. I keep it simple and achieving goals in baby steps. This year, very soon, I have to take a leap for one of my goals but it is about health.
    Looking forward to reading Your posts. I would be more active but sometimes my mobile phone has a mind on his own ✌️😊 Regards from Croatia 😘


  11. Thank you so much Aviyr May you continue to succeed and for me I’m just wishing of all the giveaways I enter that I may be a winner lol Love your posts and will continue following you throughout 2019…Blessings and always remember to love yourself❤️


  12. I think that setting smaller goals is a much better idea! I want to lose 30 lbs. That’s a bit overwhelming. But maybe 2 to 3 lbs a month is a lot easier to accomplish! Thank you for the advice!


  13. Nicely written. And we should not compare ourselves with anybody. We should be Happy with what we have 🙂 happy New year to u.


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